The Second Mountain

The Second Mountain

Author: Bill Getman
August 06, 2019

Dear Family of Faith Members,

In his book The Second Mountain, David Brooks reflects on the nature of commitments today. He accurately observes that we have many choices - too many choices - when it comes to the ways in which we devote ourselves to work, play, personal health, spirituality, recreation, relationships, etc. We don't have time for everything and so often stretch ourselves too thin, not having enough time or energy to do much of anything well. So he counters our tendencies to over engage by suggesting, "A life of commitment means saying a thousand noes for the sake of a few precious yeses."

Most of us have difficulty saying no. We want to please. We want to be accepted. We want to make a contribution in arenas that are important and a difference among those who may not have the same resources we have. But Brooks is right and most of us have had this confirmed when we've said yes too many times: we end up making limited contributions and little difference.

A new church year is upon us and you will be asked throughout the coming months to give of yourselves in a variety of ways. We always need Sunday School teachers, youth group advisors, committee and board members, meal preparers, volunteers in the office, drivers, musicians, and many other servants too numerous for me to remember! My encouragement to you is to offer neither a quick yes or no when asked. Be thoughtful and prayerful about how you use your time and resources.

We are healthiest as a church when each one of us discerns what God is calling us to do, how God is directing us to use the gifts and abilities we have been given. So be thoughtful and prayerful when asked to share those gifts and abilities. While yes will be a very welcomed response, no may be the more appropriate one, the better one, the healthier one for you and for our church family..   

In Christ's peace,



First Presbyterian Church

Christ's Joy, Justice, and Compassion in All, Through All, and For All


20 King's Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
(856) 429-1960
