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Welcome to First Presbyterian Church!

Come to visit and stay to become part of this community of faith.
Here are a few things you may want to know:

                    Presbyterian Women at Winter Market                           Combined Choirs in Worship                    Pastor Nikki leading kids in Vacation Bible School

Our vibe is joyous and down-to-earth. Though the Sanctuary, with its Tiffany stained-glass windows, looks formal, worship services often ring with laughter, the chatter of a baby, and the greetings of friends. It is a sacred space, but it is also a community space.

Worship is traditional. The congregation sings from a hymnbook to organ or piano accompaniment, the choirs wear robes, you will hear scripture, a sermon, prayers of the people, and an affirmation of faith. Offering is collected.

Attire ranges from coat-and-tie to soccer uniform, with many things in between. Come in what feels comfortable to you – your presence is what we care about most.

Celebrations of Holy Communion occur on the first Sunday of each month. Sometimes the elements (bread and grape juice) will be brought to you as you sit in your pew. We eat and drink the elements together after everyone is served. Sometimes we take Holy Communion by intinction, where you walk up the aisle and pick up a piece of bread from a server, dip it in a cup of grape juice, serve yourself, and return to your seat. Everyone who trusts in Jesus Christ is welcome to participate in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, regardless of church membership. Children may participate with the permission of a parent or guardian. At communion, we remember Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, and how Jesus gave his life for each of us so that we will have eternal life. More about the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

We are member led. The missions and programs of the church are led by teaching elders (the Pastors), ruling elders (lay members elected to the Session), and deacons (elected lay members), with the help of committees made up of any members who choose to serve. If you are interested in becoming a deacon or elder or in serving on a committee, talk to one of the pastors. Here are basic "job descriptions": Deacons; Elders.

Our building is a maze! In the summer months, enter the church through the door on the east side of the building by the playground or through the office door on the west side of the building (facing the Masonic Lodge), or use the ramp
entrance on the the west side. Between Labor Day and Memorial Day the front doors of the church facing Kings Highway are also open. Accessible parking is found along the back of the building. Others can park in the lot between the church and the Haddonfield Middle School. Enter from Chestnut Street. Parking at the church is free all of the time, but requires a permit on weekdays. Inquire in the church office.

Our worship and business hours are as follows:

Sunday Worship September through May:

  • 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary and live streamed on the website (use the "Watch Live" button) and on Facebook
  • At the 10:00 service, children accompany Sunday School teachers to their classes following the children’s message. Childcare for children 3 and under is available. Check out the "Children's Ministry" page for details

Sunday Worship from Memorial Day to Labor Day:

  • 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall on the lower level (accessible by elevator)
    Childcare is available.

Office hours:

  • Monday through Thursday, 9:00-3:00. Find staff contact information on the "Staff" page

Feel free to contact us with any questions:

Our Mission and Vision



 First Presbyterian Church is a home for your heart. We honor and care for all people, acting as family in Christ. We are open and welcoming, supporting all people wherever they are in their faith journey. We provide opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship through worship, study and prayer. We reach out beyond our walls to share the good news of Christ’s redeeming power and to help those in need in our community and our world.




First Presbyterian Church

Christ's Joy, Justice, and Compassion in All, Through All, and For All


20 King's Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
(856) 429-1960
