You Are Mine

You Are Mine

Author: Nancy Ruth Wainwright
June 09, 2020

What do you hear in your head, especially in this time of pandemic, isolation, death, and violence? I have to limit or even shut off news and commentaries; I cannot process or handle the enormous negativity and fear-inducing reports. At all times, I am grateful for words reminding me of God’s encouragement and faithfulness, words I have heard over and over, especially those I’ve learned in song. I am most grateful, recently, for phrases of hymns, which seem to pop into my inner hearing, to comfort or help make sense of the turmoil. Songs which provide hope and remind us of God’s power and love; songs which feed us in good times and sustain us in all times.

“You Are Mine,” written in 1996 by David Haas and found in numerous hymnals, is one of those songs. It came to my attention in 2019. My husband Al and I were in Helena, MT, attending a weekend of wonderful extended family visits scheduled around my Aunt Colly’s memorial service. My cousin’s wife, Julie, invited us to worship with them at Helena’s First Presbyterian Church. So there we were, filled to overflowing with socializing, but also concerned about my Dad, back in New Jersey, whose health was failing. With my Dad’s only surviving sibling, my beloved Aunt Jeannie from Kansas beside me, we rose to sing, “You Are Mine.”

     I will come to you in the silence
     I will lift you from all your fear
     You will hear My voice
     I claim you as My choice
     Be still, and know I am near

     I am hope for all who are hopeless
     I am eyes for all who long to see
     In the shadows of the night,
     I will be your light
    Come and rest in Me

     Do not be afraid, I am with you
     I have called you each by name
     Come and follow Me
     I will bring you home
     I love you and you are mine

     I am strength for all the despairing
     Healing for the ones who dwell in shame
     All the blind will see, the lame will all run free
     And all will know My name

     Do not be afraid, I am with you
     I have called you each by name
     Come and follow Me
     I will bring you home
     I love you and you are mine

     I am the Word that leads all to freedom
     I am the peace the world cannot give
     I will call your name, embracing all your pain
     Stand up, now, walk, and live

     Do not be afraid, I am with you
     I have called you each by name
     Come and follow Me
     I will bring you home
     I love you and you are mine

Tears poured down my face, my heart and soul overcome with reassurance that each one of us is loved, each one of us is called by name, and each one of us will be brought home. We will be lifted from fear. We can rely on God to be the peace the world cannot provide, the strength and healing we need, the hope, and the light. And then, we will be brought home. Home.

That’s why it is one of my favorite songs to sing. Vocally, it suits me, but even more importantly, people need to hear it, just as I did. If I could be with those suffering or dying in isolation from COVID-19, what would I say? What would I sing?  What I’ve heard time and time again, “Do not be afraid…”  God loves you. You belong to God. And God will bring you home.
So, sing along, and imprint the words on your heart.

Video performance:
"You Are Mine" by David Haas
Nancy Ruth Wainwright, alto
June 7, 2020



First Presbyterian Church

Christ's Joy, Justice, and Compassion in All, Through All, and For All


20 King's Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
(856) 429-1960
