I'm New

Welcome to First Presbyterian Church!

We look forward to meeting you! Here are some answers to questions you may have before you visit the church for the first time.

Where should I park?

You can parallel park on Kings Highway in front of the church. The church parking lot is located on Chestnut Street, between the back of the church and Haddonfield Middle School. There are handicap parking spaces in the parking lot right beside the church. 

How do I find my way around the church?

You can enter the church by the side doors that face either the Masonic Lodge  or the playground. There is also an ADA-accessible ramp entrance on the Masonic Lodge side. From Labor Day through Memorial Day, when worship is in the sanctuary, you can also enter by the front door of the sanctuary. (In the summer months, we move worship to our air-conditioned fellowship hall in the basement, which is accessible by the side doors). 

There is an all-gender, ADA-accessible restroom near the ramp entrance. There are also restrooms on the basement level, below the sanctuary. An elevator is located inside the Masonic Lodge-side door, near the church offices. The nursery is located on level 1R, in the Preschool, Room 103. 

What should I wear?

You will find people wearing everything from suits and dresses to soccer uniforms! Wear what you feel comfortable wearing.

What is the worship service like?

Our worship service is traditional. The pastor and choir wear robes. The congregation sings out of a hymnal. We follow a printed order of worship. Expect to hear music on an organ or piano, and bell choirs too! Every Sunday scripture is read; there is a sermon, and a special message for children. We collect an offering by passing collection plates and by a QR code printed in the order of worship. We celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month. 

What are the church's office hours?

10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, and by appointment. Ring the doorbell at the Masonic Lodge-side entrance, and you'll be let in.


First Presbyterian Church

Christ's Joy, Justice, and Compassion in All, Through All, and For All


20 King's Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
(856) 429-1960
