Disability Ministry

Disability Ministry

The Presbyterian Church of Haddonfield is committed to creating an environment that is welcoming and safe for ALL of God’s people – regardless of special needs and disabilities. We seek to be a welcoming and fully inclusive body of Christ. In so doing, we are committed to be not just the model of the kind of church Christ calls us to be, but also the community God longs for all the world to share: a community where all people are welcomed and blessed. With intention and support we strive to support full participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of  congregational life; spiritually, physically and programmatically.


We want to be a  support for families and care givers  who care for those with special needs and disabilities by building relationships with them, and working to meet the needs of their specific situations. 

Some of the things, which are currently provided, are:

  • Large print bulletins and hymnals
  • Barrier free access to sanctuary and church buildings.
  • ADA compliant parking, ramped building access and restrooms.
  • A monthly social gathering for adults with special needs or disabilities. These gatherings will opportunities for everyone to socialize, and enjoy (details below).
  • Coming Soon: A “sensory space” where anyone  can go if the church service or church school setting becomes overwhelming for them. The church service will be available to hear
  • Additional resources here

 If you would like more information on our disability ministry  or to  request additional support or services please contact the  church office: support@haddonfieldpres.org or 856-429-1960. We would love to chat with you about your specific situation!

We pray that your family will consider coming and being a part of our church family!  Regardless of your situation and circumstances, there is a place for you here at First Presbyterian of Haddonfield!




First Presbyterian Church

Christ's Joy, Justice, and Compassion in All, Through All, and For All


20 King's Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ 08033
(856) 429-1960
