About Us
We are located on Kings Hwy. in downtown Haddonfield, New Jersey.
You can reach us during school hours from 9:00 AM - 2:50 PM at (856) 429-0609.
Email: preschool@haddonfieldpres.org
1970 the First Presbyterian Church Preschool has been providing an
opportunity for preschool children to experience their first step away
from home in a loving, supportive, Christian atmosphere.
The Preschool consists of two programs, Mother's Morning Out and
Nursery School that are approved by the Division of Youth & Family
Services of the New Jersey Department of Licensing. Teachers are certified in CPR and First Aid.
trained teachers recognize the primary importance of matching
educational efforts with the developmental readiness of children. In
doing so, children are working/playing within their abilities and are
able to experience success and to develop positive
feelings about themselves. Classroom flexibility allows for teachable moments, those spontaneous opportunities during the day which the teachers may use as special teaching/learning/growing times.
Our large colorful rooms/hallways depict Beatrice Potter, Monet, Van Gogh and Aquarium murals. Two age appropriate playgrounds are enjoyed by all of the classes.
The Philosophy of the First Presbyterian Church Preschool
is to enrich the efforts of the home in promoting growth and happiness in children.
We believe children are individual and unique. We strive to give each child a foundation for subsequent school learning in a Christian atmosphere of love and acceptance. We provide a wide variety of learning experiences and at the same time ample opportunity for the children to socialize.
We offer a chance for the child to: Develop
a sense of security outside the home. Enjoy new forms of creative
play. Begin to accept new standards for group harmony. Experience
moments of wonder and awe about God's world. Grow in self-expression and communication with others.
We offer the parent an opportunity to: Develop friendships with other parents. Experience children's development within an age grouping. Enjoy valued personal time.