PW News Watch
About Us
If you are a woman attending our church or zooming into church programs, you are invited to consider our Circle of PW activities. We have changed our names to Women of the Bible.
Names: Circle 1 is now called The Ruth Circle. 3rd Tuesday monthly @ 9:30 am, Hospitality Room. Our emphasis is fellowship while making items for those in need and support of missions.
Ruth is a model of loving kindness. She acts in ways that promote the well-being of others. She was committed to relationships and her family. Ruth was diligent in her work as well as polite, respectful, and appreciative. She had integrity and wasn't afraid of working hard. From Ruth we learn that following your heart with integrity can increase your influence with others.
Circle 3 is now called The Esther Circle. 3rd Tuesday monthly @ 9:30 am, Bean Parlor.
Esther is initially portrayed in the book named for her as beautiful and obedient, though relatively passive. Throughout the story, she evolves into a character who bravely takes a decisive role in her own future and that of her people.
A remarkably clever young woman Esther, as queen, was willing to sacrifice her life to save her people, the Jews, from genocide and secure the rights of the Jews to defend themselves.
Circle 4 is now called The Elizabeth Circle. 2nd Monday @ 7:30 pm, your living room on Zoom.
We chose "Elizabeth" for our circle's name because Elizabeth was chosen by God for a significant role in the story of salvation of humankind, as was Mary, the mother of Jesus. When Mary came to Elizabeth, Elizabeth "recognized the presence of God in her midst and became the first gospel bearer recorded in the New Testament..." (Olive Mahibir, "Sacred Encounters", p.16). We, too, have been chosen by God and we desire to recognize the power of God acting through our lives. We are grateful for our circle friends who help us recognize God acting through us, even when we do not.
The Quilters Group meets every Monday at 9:45am in the Hospitality Room. If you are a quilter or would like to help make a quilt, join us!
Circles are actively involved in Horizon Bible Study (Presbyterian Magazine) and independent missions as Women’s Prison Ministry, Pinwheel Ministry, Equal Exchange, Kiva.
Come Join us!
If you have an interest, please email Judy Grantham, @ judygrantham@comcast.net
Stretch Your Legs!
PW has two speeds of Walking Groups that meet for exercise and friendship : Speedy Trots meets at the church portico at 10:00 am on the on the second Tuesday of each month and Slow and Steady: meets at the pavilion in Crow’s Woods at 10:00 am on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Please consider the weather!

PW nurses will be taking blood pressure checks in the parlor every first Sunday of the month in the Bean Parlor following the service.
PW sells Equal Exchange products. Contact Bonnie Manskopf to place an order: 856-858-1934 or bonniemanskopf@yahoo.com.
- Coffee - French roast, regular and decaf; organic breakfast blend; hazelnut creme, decaf.
- Tea - organic English breakfast, regular and decaf; organic peppermint; organic chamomile.
- Olive Oil - organic extra-virgin from Palestine.
- Cocoa mixes - organic hot cocoa; organic dark hot cocoa; organic baking cocoa.
- Chocolate bars (all organic) - dark chocolate almond; dark chocolate caramel with sea salt; dark chocolate mint crunch; dark chocolate orange; Panama extra dark (80%); milk chocolate caramel crunch with sea salt.
The Monday quilters have finished one quilt and are getting ready to start another - join us in learning the process and enjoy the fellowship from "church talk" to the best car you can buy!
Mondays, 9:45 sewing; 11:30 walk to Crust and Fire for pizza; then off to more adventures!

The Quilters Group has presented the Presbyterian Preschool a quilted banner of the Continents. The banner highlights the curriculum taught in the Discovery Days classes.
- from left: Barb Sewall, Joan Miller, Sue Smith, Mary Beth Creamer, Sophia Oswald