"To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ" (Ephesians 4:12-13).
We are excited to be launching this powerful ministry of care at First Presbyterian Haddonfield, supporting our commitment to "honor and care for all people acting as family in Christ." Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry that provides one-to-one, confidential, Christian care to hurting people in our congregation and community, bringing Christ’s healing love to people who are grieving or experiencing any number of life’s difficulties. Our latest class of ministers was commissioned on September 15, 2024.
If you are a member of First Presbyterian and are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please fill out this application and email it to stephenministry@haddonfieldpres.org. One of the Stephen Leaders will be in touch with you shortly to go over next steps. If you would prefer, you may print a copy of the application, complete and return in an envelope to the church office to the attention of Stephen Ministry. You can also pick up an application in the church office or on the Stephen Ministry bulletin board in the hall behind the Parlor.
Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members who receive extensive training to minister to people experiencing a crisis, facing a challenge, or simply going through a tough time. They typically meet with their care receivers once a week for an hour and are trained to listen patiently, without judging, to assist their care receivers process feelings. They participate in regular support and supervision twice a month under the guidance of trained Stephen Leaders for purposes of ongoing evaluation and continuing education. Stephen Ministers are committed to preserving the confidential nature of the caring relationship. For more information about the Stephen Ministry's history and worldwide scope, click here: What is Stephen Ministry?
Note that a Stephen Minister is not a counselor or therapist and does not take the place of a pastor.
First Presbyterian ChurchOF HADDONFIELD
Christ's Joy, Justice, and Compassion in All, Through All, and For All
20 King's Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ 08033(856) 429-1960